Added custom vertical accordion FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) area.
Added special vertical accordion system for frequently asked questions. Additionally, a special visual has been added to the frequently asked questions area.
Added special accordion system. A special area for the about fields has been created in the tab system. New images added.
Added new accordion system. In this system supported by tab tabs, you will be able to add the content you want with its visuals. Added new images.
The phpmailer version update has been thrown. It is for php versions 8.0 and above.
The services area box layouts have been changed. Footer updated. Images have been optimized. Added special opening effect.
Added special 3D slider feature. Footer field has been updated. Header field has been updated. Service detail pages have been updated.
Added special 3D slider feature. Footer field has been updated. Header field has been updated. Service detail pages have been updated.
Fixed the effect issue on the backlinks between pages.
SMTP mail codes have been added to the contact form.
Footer field is fully aligned.
Fixed responsive menus on services pages. And the page titles have been fixed on all pages.